Thank you for joining the BookmarkLeague volunteer team! Please read the following terms carefully and ensure you understand and agree with them before signing.
1. Nature of Volunteer Service
You are joining the BookmarkLeague volunteer team on a voluntary basis, and you will not receive any wages, compensation, or other material rewards during your service.
Upon successful completion of your service, you will receive a Certificate of Volunteer Service in recognition of your contributions.
2. Service Requirements
You agree to complete assigned volunteer tasks responsibly and punctually and to maintain communication with the team as needed.
Volunteers are expected to actively participate in training and team activities to ensure the quality of service meets Bookmark League standards.
3. Service Time Commitment
You agree to commit X hours (fill in as required for the project) of service time, with specific scheduling to be arranged through mutual agreement.
If you are unable to continue your service or need to adjust your schedule due to special circumstances, please notify us in advance.
4. Confidentiality
As a volunteer, you may have access to confidential information related to Bookmark League. You agree to maintain the confidentiality of all such information and refrain from disclosing it without authorization.
5. Code of Conduct
Volunteers are expected to act professionally and respectfully in all interactions related to Bookmark League.
Any form of discrimination, harassment, or misconduct will result in the immediate termination of the volunteer agreement.
6. Liability Waiver
By signing this agreement, you acknowledge that you are responsible for your own actions while volunteering and that Bookmark League will not be held liable for any injury or loss incurred during your service.